Frequently Asked Questions

Where does the Chapel Service Meet?
We meet at The Durant-Kenrick House in Newton, MA. For directions, please see the "Contact Us" section in the menu.
What will it cost me to attend services?
The Chapel Service asks that you make a donation toward our costs which are $85 per holiday per person. We recognize that it is difficult for some people to pay the full amount and so we invite you to contribute what you can. We sincerely want to make our services

available to whoever wants to come for the Holidays.
How do I sign up to attend services?
On the menu at the top of this page you will see a section called "Registration Form." Fill out the form and the information will be forwarded to us. You will receive a PayPal invoice by email within a day. If you would prefer to pay by check, please fill out the form and send your check to 354 Kenrick St Newton, MA 02458. Please do not bring payment to services. A limited number of seats are available, so sign up now!
Do I have to sign up in advance?
Yes. For security and planning reasons, we need to know who to expect. Please use the registration form found on the menu.
What about Empty Nesters and Seniors? 
We know you probably belonged to a Temple or synagogue when your children went to Hebrew school. But now they are gone and it's expensive to belong. Wouldn't you like to come to services for the Holidays? We hope you'll choose The Chapel Service. If you need help parking your car at the synagogue or even a ride, call the office as soon as possible and we will try to arrange transportation help.
A special shout out to students and young professionals!
We have a cross-section of ages but we do have a cluster of college and graduate students and young professionals. We are a good place to go if you are unable to go home for the holidays or if you are looking for a service with mixed age groupings.
Are intermarried families welcome?
Very much so! All are welcome at our services. This is a good service to come to for people who are new to and/ or are exploring Judaism.
Are children welcome?
We love children, but we don't have as many attending services as we'd like. We don’t provide childcare at this time but children are more than welcome to sit with their parents at services. There is a lovely grassy space outside the venue if they want to take a break. Families are encouraged to bring children to hear the Shofar being blown, to lunch, and to Tashlich. Rabbi Cherie is happy to help you figure out what parts of the service would be most interesting to your child depending on their age. 
Do you have services on the second day of Rosh HaShanah?
No we don't. But you are welcome to go to any synagogue in Boston on the second day without a ticket. If you want a recommendation of where to go, ask Rabbi Cherie.
What is Tashlich?
Tashlich is a ceremony on the afternoon of Rosh HaShanah when we go outside and pay attention to the beauty of the created world. We go to a body of water and symbolically throw our sins away (in the form of Challah crumbs). The gathered ducks find this curious event to their liking and so do we. The perfect spiritual end to the day. The event lasts about 10 minutes and begins after services.

Does the Chapel Service sponsor activities during the year?
Rabbi Cherie is available to do life cycle events and counseling. We sometimes get together for other holidays or a study session. Let us know if you are interested.
What if I have more questions?

If you would like to speak with someone in our office or to Rabbi Cherie, call (617) 835-6352 or email