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Mailing Address

354 Kenrick St
Newton, MA 02458

Directions to The Durant-Kenrick House
We will meet at the Durant-Kenrick House located at 286 Waverley Avenue Newton, MA 02458. It is on the corner of Waverly and Kenrick Street in Newton. From the Pike, it is a few minutes from Exit 17.

There are limited parking spots near the building. Please park there only if you need to for medicial/access reasons. You can park on Waverly in front of the house or on Kenrick.

If you need help parking, please contact us and we will help you.

If you did not travel by car, rides will be available to Tashlich, lunch, and to the T. 

Directions to Tashlich
After services, we'll gather for a short ceremony called Tashlich at Chandler Pond, which is located down the street. Go down Kenrick Street (take a right at the light from the venue) and turn right on Lake Shore Drive. Follow that street until you see a bench near the pond.

Directions to Lunch
On Rosh Hashanah after Tashlich, we will host lunch at our house at 354 Kenrick St. This is a block and a half away from the Durant-Kenrick House and all are welcome. ​